Stress and anxiety are something many of us have experienced in our daily life. Even more so than ever, with the fast-paced environment we live in, it can be hard to find the time to check in with yourself. Speaking from my own experience, sometimes taking a short time out can do the world of […]
A story depicting the special bond between a grandparent and grandchild in the later stages of life. Grandad is sick, and is cared for by his loving granddaughter, where they find happiness in life’s simple things, such as sharing stories over a hot cup of tea. And boy, does Grandad have some stories. It is these moments that later become some of the most treasured memories of all.
The making of our tea caramel has been quite the journey. Our idea was to initially create tea infused desserts, which involved playing around with many ingredients. To successfully infuse tea into desserts was not as easy as the recipes say. Excuse my ignorance, but no. One teaspoon of tea is not enough to call […]
I have been a sucker for caramel since I was a child. My go to dessert would be anything that contained any hint of the word caramel. It comes as no surprise really, that I would meddle in the world of making caramel sauce. Yet after many, many attempts of glorious failing in constructing a […]