How Tea Can Nourish Your Relationships


My partner and I love to sit down together and enjoy our time spent connecting through drinking tea. In fact, sharing tea with a friend or loved one can create a sense of community and bring us closer together. The list of benefits from drinking tea can be reflected in our close relationships, from boosting our energy, to improving our mental state. I am always on the hunt for meaningful things to do with my loved ones, so here are some ideas that none other involves tea.


One of my favourite things to do with my partner or friends is to go on a picnic. Something about preparing a large assortment of snacks and bundling them up to take somewhere peaceful is very appealing. And what goes perfectly with peaceful scenery? A thermos of tea! I like to pack the largest thermos I can find and fill it full of lovely tea to share. Sit or lay with your loved ones and enjoy the tranquillity of beautiful scenery, and your delicious spread.

Games Night

The thing with games night is it either brings people together or tears them apart by the end of the night. There is always that one person who does not take kindly to losing. So, what better way to keep everyone relaxed, than drinking tea throughout the night. Plus, the caffeine and L-theanine found in tea is good for boosting your brainpower, which is a handy advantage in games night. For green tea drinkers, the compound EGCG can be useful for learning and memory, another advantageous strategy.


If going out and treating yourself to a high-tea is a bit out of your price range, then why not bring high-tea to your home. It does not have to be fancy by any means, either using what you have in the kitchen, or buying some cheap nibbles to put together will do just fine. Those of you who have nice pretty tea pots that do not get nearly as much use as they should, here is your chance to bring them out for their moment in the spotlight. High-tea at home can be the perfect date with your partner, or occasion with friends and family. Best thing about holding this event at home is you can decide if you want to dress up, or engage in a more daggy low-key afternoon with slippers and comfy pants.

Reading Tea Leaves

Why not have some fun with your loved ones by bonding over reading each other’s tea leaves. You do not need to be an expert in this, as there are plenty of guides you can find online that can guide you into becoming your very own seer. It is a nice way to unwind and create conversation by interpreting your past, present, and future. Plus, it is a new skill to learn which is never a bad thing. The best type of leaves to use are loose leaf, as tea bag leaves are normally too fine (unless you are using our tea). Each symbol may symbolise something different in one’s own life, which if open to share, can create deeper connections with you and your loved ones.


If going outdoors is more your style, a weekend away camping is just the thing for you. Pack your thermos and bring as much tea as you desire. Sitting around the campfire in those cooler months with a hot cup of tea does not get much better. Iced tea is always an option if you are one of those adventurers who loves to sweat it out in the summer. Camping with your partner, friends, or family is a nice way to bond and explore the beauty of nature.

Going to a Café

Lastly, there is something nice about getting out the house and chilling at a café. I always like to find myself a quaint little café that isn’t bustling, so I can sit with my tea and have meaningful conversation with the person I am with. Make sure you find a café with a nice assortment of cakes, because obviously cake is a necessity when drinking tea outdoors. Bonding over sharing tea and dessert makes people happy, unless your partner (like mine) steals the last bite of cake.

Tea is made to be shared, enjoyed, and to accompany memories with your loved ones.

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