How to Store Our Tea Caramel Sauce

We have been asked questions on how do you store your newly bought tea caramel sauce, and how to know if it is still okay to consume. Therefore, to make things a bit clearer, below, we have listed some Q and A’s to help you get the maximum use out of your caramel, and to know when it is time for a new one.

Where do I keep my tea caramel– As stated on all our caramel products, our caramel is to be kept in the refrigerator. This is because we use dairy to create your special caramel blend, and if dairy products are left out at room temperature, bacteria can start to grow and cause spoilage. It is okay to leave the caramel out whilst you are using it, or up to 3 hours, but to extend its shelf life, make sure you keep it refrigerated.

Why has my caramel changed colour– You may notice that your caramel has changed to a lighter colour once stored in the fridge. This is completely normal, as it adjusts to the cooler temperature of your refrigerator. When to call for concern would be if your caramel is showing signs of mould, change in texture, or taste.

Why has my caramel thickened– When storing caramel in the fridge it will naturally thicken due to the cooler temperature. If your sauce has become too thick, you can gently reheat for it to return to its original consistency.

How do I reheat my tea caramel– You can place your jar in the microwave for around 20-30 seconds which should generally be enough to heat your caramel. If you find it is not at the consistency you are after, then put it back inside and heat for longer. If reheating your caramel on the stove, first spoon it out of the jar into a saucepan, and place on low heat, stirring regularly for the caramel to fully combine. Depending on your desired level of thickness will determine on how long to heat it for.

My caramel has moulded after 2 weeks, why has this happened– It can be hard to tell the exact cause of this as many components could be at play. To ensure your caramel lasts its assigned shelf life, make sure your fridge temperature is cool enough (between 1 to 4 degrees Celsius). When spooning out the caramel, be careful to use a clean spoon, as contamination can occur and cause mould to grow inside your caramel jar. If you enjoy eating straight from the jar (like we do), just be mindful that contamination may cause your caramel to spoil sooner unless you have the self-control to only take one spoonful, or are capable of eating the entire jar in one sitting (which sounds good in theory, but we do not recommend). Also take care to see if the lid is fitted properly, as if slightly ajar, air can find its way inside and can compromise the quality of your caramel. If you believe you have received a spoiled batch of caramel (we understand that this rarely may happen), contact us directly via our returns policy.

How long will my caramel last– We recommend that our tea caramel be stored and consumed anywhere up to one month in the refrigerator, however, quality may vary depending on variable factors. Generally, your caramel shelf life will be up to one month.

My caramel tastes okay after one month, is it still okay to eat– We do not recommend consuming past the one-month mark only because bacteria cannot be seen with the human eye. Even if your tea caramel tastes okay, there could still be bacteria growing inside. Especially in the concern of allergic reactions, dairy that has declined may increase the risk of allergy for people with dairy sensitivity.

Does the ‘consume within one month’ rule only apply once the jar has been opened– We make our tea caramel fresh to order, so when you receive it at your door it is brand new. Due to our tea caramel containing no preservatives or additives, we recommend consuming within one month of your purchase. We hope you will not want to wait too long anyway before dipping into your jar of tea caramel!

Should I try every flavour of Harumade Tea Cream Caramel– Of course! If not only for yourself, but our tea caramel sauce makes the perfect gift for family and friends. Plus, it gives you a sneaky excuse to have a tasting of every flavour by sharing them with your loved ones.

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