I Love You Oolong Time- Date Night Ideas for You and Your Perfect Matcha

Okay, so we might have gotten a little carried away with the puns in the title, but who doesn’t appreciate a good wit-tea remark! I know we do- almost as much as we enjoy date night. A night connecting with one another and doing something enjoyable together is not only healthy for your relationship, but for your own wellbeing. Sometimes coming up with new ideas can be challenging, and can lead to doing the same thing over again. But if you are looking for a fresh set of ideas, here are some tea related activities that we find enjoyable (and maybe competitive). Romance is all about igniting that competitive streak and making sure you beat your partner down to the ground! They say competition is healthy for couple’s, right? And for new couples, do not be chai, these ideas will help you to break the ice, or possibly each other!

Pottery Workshop

Looking for something creative? You and your partner do not need to have any experience in pottery, in fact, it could be more fun if both of you have no idea what you are doing. It is all about learning and trying something new. There are workshops that specialise in making tea sets that you and your partner can create, to then take home to use when finished. Find your nearest pottery class and see what they have to offer.

Make Your Own Tea

If you see yourself as a bit of a scientist, why not try a tea blending and tasting workshop. Here you and your partner can learn about different teas, what blends well together, the processing methods, and of course to taste and enjoy delicious tea and their benefits. With your new found knowledge you can then make your own unique tea blend to take home. You and your partner can compare teas and see who earns the title of Tea Master! This can be done in the comfort of your home too, where you both can go shopping together for a range of different teas and try mixing them together to come up with a delicious new blend. Part of the fun is tasting tea together, and what perfect way to do this than cuddled up on the couch.

Tea Cooking Challenge

One thing that my partner and I really enjoy doing is setting a cooking challenge where we pick one ingredient and choose a category of food or drink that would not normally be paired with the chosen ingredient. We then each make a dish and serve it up to one another, both thinking we have outdone the other. In the past we have come up with some interesting dishes (some surprisingly decent, and others unsurprisingly terrible), but it has been a lot of fun. At the end we each taste each other’s dish and judge it according to taste, appearance, and creativity. You can make your own rules and requirements, but why not give it a try using tea as the ingredient and see what wacky and wonderous things you can come up with. You will either have a delicious meal to enjoy together, or use it as an excuse to get take out. May the knives come out and the better half win!

Unwind and Chat at a Tea House

We hear so much about coffee houses, but let us embrace the tea house. It is essentially a specialised establishment that serves high quality tea that is not found in regular cafés. You know if you are going to a tea house then you are in for a sophisticated experience. This may be a good first date option if you are looking for somewhere quiet to get to know your person. It is a great place to have some one-on-one time with your partner or date, boasting an atmosphere that is laid back and chilled. Feel the serenity and enjoy the beautifully crafted teas with your special someone.

Pampering with Tea

How about a night in where you and your partner pamper each other. We all know tea is good for our skin, and even better when we are sharing the pampering with someone else. You can either make your own tea skin mask, or buy one from the store, and start your night off by doing face masks. For those with a tub, you can slip away to the bathroom and enjoy a couple’s bath with added bath tea. Bath tea can be bought, but also as simple as adding a relaxing tea bag like chamomile or lavender with some Epsom salts to the bath and let it soak for around 15 minutes before getting in. You can even make your own mix of tea by putting your chosen tea leaves into an empty tea bag. Finish your night of pampering with a couple’s massage, each taking turns to massage the other. Find yourselves some green tea massage oil to ultimately soothe the body and drift off to sleep in pure euphoria.

Tea Pairing with Dinner

Want to surprise your partner or date with a home cooked romantic dinner? How does going all out and making a three-course meal, pairing each meal with a different tea sound? You might have to do your research here, but this is what gains you extra points from all the effort you have put in. Depending on what you are cooking, cater your teas to complement your dishes. Make sure you share your new found knowledge with your partner or date as you introduce each dish and accompanied tea. Putting in effort is always appreciated, just as much as a home cooked dining experience with your person is. And the best part afterwards is rolling yourselves to the couch to unwind after all the food and tea you’ve consumed.

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