Why the Perfect Cup of Tea Does Not Exist

There are so many blogs out there all claiming that they know the secret to making the perfect cup of tea. I am no stranger to typing those infamous 7 words into my own search engine. Google, please tell me “How to make the best oolong tea,” “matcha tea,” “green tea” (the list of interchanging the type of tea goes on).

Every time I find myself an article with pretty pictures and paragraph after paragraph of tenable words, it leads me to believe that this person, does indeed, know the secret to the perfect cup of tea.

And day after day, I make the same realisation that the article I am reading, does indeed, not, know the secret to the perfect cup of tea. Leaving a taste of nothing but bitter disappointment.

Fact of the matter is, the perfect cup of tea does not exist! How could it possibly. With so many people enjoying different styles and methods of tea, there is no universal way that suits everyone. Of course, there are traditional ways to make tea, but not everybody prefers those methods. So where does that leave us?

Essentially, it leaves us to be experimental on what tea we enjoy, what additional ingredients we would like to add, how hot or cold we would like to brew, and how little or long we would like to steep it for.

Some people enjoy their tea nice and bitter, others like it sweet, some prefer spicy, whilst others want it “just right.”

We are undoubtedly the Goldilocks of tea.

To find your “just right” can take you on a journey of consuming a tonne of tea (which is never a bad thing.) It can deepen your understanding on flavour profiles, and make you, your very own tea expert. At the end of it, you might find that the perfect cup of tea does exist, subjectively of course.

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