Why to Celebrate with Tea This Deepavali

Deepavali is a time for celebration amongst the Hindu community, but also provides the perfect opportunity for all walks of people to come together and enjoy the celebration of culture with family and friends. Known as the Festival of Lights, where diyas (small clay lamps filled with oil) are lit and kept on during the night of the new moon, to signify the victory of light over darkness. Tradition has it that a total of 13 diyas are lit per household, with each diya having its own unique significance. During the festivities, meals and snacks are shared and enjoyed with loved ones. Some families even host tea parties which provides the perfect opportunity to celebrate with endless cups of tea.

Tea is widely enjoyed throughout the Hindu community making for it a wonderful gift or home staple to share during Deepavali. What makes tea the best choice is because it symbolises bringing people together, and encourages companionship and conversation which are all values commonly shared during this time.

What Tea Should I Choose?

Masala chai is an all-time favourite in most households, and is enjoyed all year round, especially during Deepavali. But if you are looking for something different this year to give as a gift or share with your friends and family, we have come up with our pick of teas that we think you should try. From floral to fruity, earthy to vegetal, there is a bit of everything to suit everyone’s taste. Plus, with our teas boasting a variety of health benefits, you can jump straight into the start of the Hindu New Year feeling great. We are almost sure that one (or more) of these teas might just become your new family favourite.

Summer Tea

Perfect for those sunny hot days, our Summer Tea is light and refreshing, but has a depth of flavour in every mouthful. Consisting of fruity and floral notes that are enriched with cinnamon’s sweet and woody flavour, Summer Tea can be consumed either hot or iced, depending on your preference. I personally enjoy both, yet on those extremely hot days, nothing quite beats it served with ice.

The reasoning behind its name is that Summer Tea helps to cool the body against the heat of the sun, keeping you feeling refreshed for ongoing celebrations. Containing only natural ingredients of linden flower, cinnamon, hibiscus, rose buds, lemon balm, and lemon peel, drinking this tea aids in replenishing your energy levels, and gives you an extra boost for when you are starting to feel worn out by all the socialising with family and friends.

Calm Mix Tea

Our Calm Mix Tea, is a delightful mix of sage, lavender, and lemongrass. What makes sage tea such a joy to drink is its distinct eucalyptus flavour, with peppery mint tasting notes. Sage can hold quite an intense flavour for some people, which is why we have mixed sage with lavender and lemongrass, which completely balances the flavour, leaving smooth, earthy notes with a hint of citrus. The calming lavender in this tea instantly helps me to unwind and feel relaxed. For sweet tooth’s, you can also mix with a bit of honey to add a little sweetness.

Sage has been one of the most valuable plants for decades when it comes to matters of health. Boasting anticancer, anti-inflammatory, and anti-fungal properties, need I say more! On top of that, sage tea can also help to improve cognitive function and memory, and reduce cholesterol and blood sugar levels. This is what makes our Calm Mix Tea a top pick to relax with family and friends this season and there on after.

Istanbul Tea

Our Istanbul Tea is a mixture of fruit and flower which reflect Turkey’s tea culture. Another one of our teas that is light and refreshing, with balanced notes of orange, cinnamon, hibiscus, lemon, rosehip, rosebud, apple, and golden grass. An easy to drink tea with flavours that will help calm your body and mind. What I love about this tea is its diverse mix, guaranteeing to take your taste buds on a journey.

The assortment of beautiful colours from the fruit and flowers are what makes this tea a delight to watch brew. Resulting in a liquid that is crimson in colour, the fruits add extra vitamins and minerals to assist your immune system, whilst the flowers help to relieve stress and anxiety in the body. If you like fruit or floral tea, then we suggest you fill yourself a cup of Istanbul Tea this Deepavali. Served either hot or cold, this tea is best enjoyed with company.

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